Migration for Work Abroad


Among the numerous issues triggered by the adjusting national economies to international economic flows, an important place is occupied by the international movement of labour and especially its migration. Current international migration is mainly due to the increased international flow of capital, economic crisis, and significant salary differences between countries. Due to the dramatic turn of the economic crisis, the spectre of unemployment, lack of means of subsistence, serious social tension is generated which also influences, sometimes decisively the labour movement involvement in the international migration. International migration is considered one of the most important global issues at the beginning of the 21st century, since increasingly more people are migrating nowadays, more than in any other period of human history. Currently, about 192 million people live outside their native country, a figure that represents approximately 3% of the world population. This means that one person in 35 is immigrant. Between 1965 and 2004, the number of international migrants increased by 45 million, currently being of 214 million, with an annual growth rate of about 2.1%. Currently, the annual growth rate is about 2.9%.