Mobile Threats – a Real Challenge for the Personal Information & Knowledge Management


The purpose of this study is to treat aspects that are related to the sensitivity of personal information and knowledge transmitted through mobile networks, helping all people involved in personal communication systems to become aware of the various importance of their personal information and knowledge, and of the risks it is faced with. This warning message is needed because of personal information and knowledge transfer from desktop PCs to mobile devices that are connected to wireless networks of different sizes and importance. The transfer brings along the adjustment of the traditional information security threats to the mobile environment, as well as the emergence of new characteristic dangers. Moreover, our presence as individuals on Web 2.0 widens the danger area even more. The problems solved here are of interest both for each of us, as individuals, and for the organisations managers – especially in a world in which the borderline between the work hours and the personal life is becoming more and more difficult to draw, and we can even discuss the PIM and PKM in an organisational context.