Model of Organizational Change by Reengineering in Romanian Companies


Any organization is more competitive as it is able to continuously develop multiple plans. This imperative is that change is a law of life and knowledge of the change process for its effective management is one of the factors that can ensure the competitiveness of organizations in a competitive environment.

Managers and entrepreneurs around the world, including the Romanian ones, face problems adapting the organizations they lead to change in an attempt to ensure a certain level of competitiveness at national, regional or European or global. Need to study organizational change management process is determined by the fact that it is through his companies in Romania (in particular) are trying, from the last decade of last century, to adapt to the requirements of market economy work. Employees and owners of Romanian companies need to know the nature of change, and even more just to have knowledge and skills in organizational change and innovation management (initiation, completion and enhancement of transformation), to change themselves and the organization were they work.