The Model of Russian Innovation System: the Role of Oil and Gas Business


In recent decades, the global oil and gas industry shows a rapid acceleration of innovative development and technological sophistication of production processes. In a very short historical period the balance of power among member states of oil and natural gas markets changed significantly. According to the data published in the annual Statistical Review of the World Energy, the United States in 2014, for the first time since 1975, became the leader by the volume of crude oil, surpassing Russia and Saudi Arabia - 11 644 thousand barrels per day compared to 11 505 and 10 838 thousand barrels, respectively [1]. The basis for this rapid growth of the US oil and gas industry is a high level of development and an effective organization of the national innovation system. The development of the oil and gas sector of the USA is characterized by an active cooperation of science, business and government. Currently about two-thirds of American innovations are created by the partnership of government, business, universities and government research laboratories [2]. The reason for this was, firstly, an increased competition in innovative sphere while reducing the lifetimes of technologies, and, secondly, the high level of complexity of the innovations, which is why their creation is beyond the scope of R&D, even of the large companies. This variety of forms of vertical and horizontal linkages among business, science and the state, as well as the high density of communication among the participants of the innovative process, can effectively implement the tripartite cooperation in the creation of innovative products and technologies for the oil and gas industry.