Model to Increase Productivity in an Agro-industrial SME Taking Advantage of Nearshoring Using Lean Manufacturing, Methods Engineering and Digital Transformation


The agroindustrial sector is one of the most important activities in the Peruvian economy, since it represents 3.8% of the Gross Domestic Product in Peru, and Peruvian agroexports reached a record figure of US$ 9,807 million during the year 2022. which represents a growth of 12.3% compared to 2021, considering the destination of exports from this sector: 57% were made to American countries, 33% went to Europe and 10% to Asia; However, despite this growth, this sector presents a series of difficulties which affect its productivity, among these difficulties are: the lack of bargaining power in the national and international supply chain, smallholdings in agriculture, which prevents achieving economies of scale, an organizational need that is related to establishing a business approach in its activity, among others. This has caused that, despite its growth, this sector presents problems related to low productivity, which is a critical factor for competitiveness. For this reason, this research proposed to provide a solution to agroindustrial SMEs through the implementation of an innovative process model that contributes to increasing their productivity in SMEs in the agroindustrial sector through lean manufacturing tools, method engineering and digital transformation, achieving improvement in productivity by 33%, which ultimately contributed to a 5.6% improvement in profitability.