Models for Online Grocery Shopping – A Study of Pakistani Online Market


This research study aims at learning which type of business model is applicable for online grocery shopping in Pakistan. Qualitative research methodology has been used for the purpose of this research. Through extensive literature review a conceptual framework has been devised.  It was found that there are four types of online shopping models. Out of these four any one of the business models can be used by a startup firm depending on the resources and expertise available to them. It is concluded that, Startups like, RashanLelo,, and Taza Mart entered the Pakistan market with considerable experience and distinctive business model. Though in Pakistan none of them has emerged as the clear winner but these startups has surely made their presence felt. Reason being, all the ventures are of already established players, with good budgets, strong sense of consumer habits and also the goodwill of their Parent company. Different models discussed in this paper lend an understanding and technicalities to the people aiming to start their own online venture. The paper also provides different models having different resources with their success elements.