Modern Information Technologies How Means Of Hr Activity


The article is devoted to modern information technologies as a means of successful implementation of HR-activities. In the period of an active state and social policy in the field of dissemination and popularization of the principles of digitalization in the world as a whole, and in Russia in particular, the use of the potential of information technologies in personnel management becomes especially important. The Internet, various specialized mobile sites, applications and programs for selecting and evaluating personnel in terms of hiring, supporting and adapting personnel at the enterprise during the period of employment have a significant impact. The analysis is carried out and the strengths and weaknesses of using modern information technologies as a means of HR-activity are revealed. The materials of the article touch upon urgent issues of the shortage of modern scarce professions, the problems of finding workers, as well as the role of modern IT technologies in the implementation of the function of providing the organization with personnel. The importance of information technologies in the implementation of the work of an HR specialist is emphasized. In particular, the use of modern sites for recruiters, staff appraisals and developed mobile applications and programs based on them.