Monitoring of Business Structures: Criteria and Indicators


The business structure as an object of the management system undergoes transformations under the influence of decision-makers approved by the managers. These decisions can be made scientifically-soundly or intuitively. In any approach, the results of management of an entrepreneurial structure are influenced by objective and subjective factors. As a result, in order to increase the level of rationality of an entrepreneurial structure management, it is necessary to take into account these factors. Under the rationality of management, we mean the choice of such methods and models of the impact of a management control subsystem on a managed one that can provide the best economic performance compared to competitors. It is precisely the change in the level of competitiveness of an entrepreneurial structure that confirms the effectiveness of the development strategy that it implements, and hence the rationality of management. It is expedient to propose, on the basis of existing work, a scientifically grounded, mathematical device for the formation of methodical and applied tools for monitoring the rationality of an entrepreneurial structure management. Based on the target parameters, dependencies are constructed. Dependencies take into account factors of time and money expenditures to achieve the expected values ​​of these parameters. Considerable attention is also paid to the substantiation of the necesity to take into account the monitoring of subjective factors in the formation and implementation of a strategy for the development of an entrepreneurial structure. As a result of the conducted researches the method of estimation of these factors is offered and the integral index of definition of rationality of business structures management is offered. As a result, the developed methodical toolkit allows managers to assess the rationality of business structures management. The proposed methodological toolkit is also an informational and analytical basis for determining the needs and directions of adjusting existing systems of entrepreneurial structures management.