Morality, Ethics and True Image in Romanian Accounting Businesses


By its nature, the accounting field is in a close connection with ethics, morality and religion. The concepts of morality, ethics and religion are closely connected to each other and at the same time
they are complementary. How many bankrupts occurred in economy and how many human dramas could be avoided if morality should have been present? How many rich people could be aware of the sufferings of the majority if the ethics of business would have been known to them? In our everyday living, all over the world and maybe especially in our Romanian space, we very much need a “minima moralia” in the businesses field. The fiddle from the public money, the fiscal evasion, reprogrammed payments and payment exemptions represent main objectives when starting the serious campaign of the moral sanitation in the business field. The mirage of the fortune has the same age with “homo economicus”. The achievement of the accounting truth claims, in equal parts, serious elements of professionalism. A real “fire test” for us is to prove through real facts the absolute governing of an unwritten law: “we have to say what we think and, mostly, we must do what we say”.