Moroccan University Students’ Perspectives Concerning English Mobile Learning


The reason of this study is to look at the perspectives of using M-learning by college students to learn English. Lots of students search for various methods to learn English. Among these ways is mobile-learning which turns out to be these days a helpful device for language learning because of the great shift in terms of mobile innovations. Moreover, the significance of English in higher education and in scientific research makes it amongst the most essential languages that students need to learn. Lots of students search for various methods to learn English. However, little is known about the perspectives and behaviors of Moroccan students towards English M-learning. The survey included 385 students from various colleges, levels, and departments. Results of this study uncovered that college students have positive perspectives towards English M-learning. Moreover, qualitative data affirmed some results of the quantitative data and showed other essential discoveries related to students’ feelings and barriers towards English M-learning. The findings are of great significance for educators, specialists, and sites/applications software engineers. The aggregate normal mean score for the used scale was M=3.82. Here we can say that the spread of mobile phones, ease of accessibility to some features, and the decrease of cell phones cost make mobiles helpful and useful in terms of connecting with the world as well as in terms of learning.