Most Popular Recent Topics in Strategic Management Based upon Citation Score


Presented paper is of the theoretical range and deals with the issue of most popular recent topics in the world strategic management. Methodology applied in the paper is based upon the advanced rapid review technique. As the classification criterium authors have used the citation score of Web of Science in the PICOS frame. The main objective of the paper is to establish what are the most attractive and popular recent theories of world strategic management and whether they focus mostly on business performance of different types of organizations. Presented paper includes literature review, applied methodology description as well as most important research findings accompanied with commented charts, tables and discussion. The most important finding discovered that, business performance is not explicit primary goal of the most cited paper, although this topic occurs twice among the most cited dozens of papers. Most popular topics in the top cited dozen topics are strategic human resources management as well as multinational (international) strategic management with three occurrences of the focus in the most cited dozen.