Motion Capture Systems As A Tool For Inclusive Design Strategies At Work With People With Disabilities


The aim of the paper is to present main findings of the research project “People with disabilities as actors in motion capture sessions” held in 2015 and sponsored by Polish Ministry of Science and Innovative Economy European Union Programme. Project is a part of “University of Young Inventors” programme and supports close collaboration between universities and high schools. We were working with a team of 8 young researchers from The 3rd High School in Wroclaw. The aim of the project was to show strengths and limitations of collaboration with disabled people as actors in motion capture shots. We are working with young people visually impaired, in a wheelchairs and with the deaf ones and this way are able to examine their sometimes very unique movements and behaviors mapped into virtual creatures and personas. Motion capture system serves in this project as a tool to bring out potentials of disabled people that abled ones don’t have. In the same time mocap is also a technology that brings new findings regarding inclusive design.