Motivational Preferences among Czech and Russian Men at Managerial Positions


The aim of the article is to determine the preference of motivational factors among men at managerial positions in the Czech Republic and in the Sverdlovsk Region of the Russian Federation. The article presents partial outcomes of a survey of the motivation preferences of employees and their satisfaction with these factors. The data was obtained by means of a survey carried out in 2017. The sample set of respondents consisted of 156 Czech managers and 150 Russian managers of male sex. The descriptive and testing statistic was applied to the processing of the data. The significance levels p for the groups of motivation factors were calculated by means of a T-test. Determination of the motivational preferences among men at managerial positions is the result of the work. It can be used for the improvement of the effectiveness of motivational programmes in the monitored regions. The article also presents the differences between the average levels of motivation factors in the monitored regions.