Multicriterial Approach in Assessing the Digital Skills to Foster the Public Interest toward Innovative Spirit


The purpose of present paper is to present some recent evaluations in assessing the level for digital skills in the recent years in Romania by involving quantitative metrics. The relevance of the topic is confirmed by the empirical evidence supported by various competitiveness reports which point out that the most leaders in the rankings on productivity or general economic performance prove a business sophisticated business operation, based on innovative mechanisms. The Romanian economy still lags behind the various EU averages in indicators concerning new technological advancements, the investments in research and development or in the education system that can foster the technological absorptive capacity.
The described methodology uses data taken from the EUROSTAT and Human Development Report (HDR) indicators for building composite indicators based on multi-attribute decision model. The multiple-faceted metrics have several: it addresses the multi-criteria used for revealing the numerous dimensions and the complexity of the phenomenon, reducing the noise in data across the sample and is informative for decision makers at domestic level in regard with the gap among various countries.
 Our purpose is to present a profile of Romania current state in this domain of e-skills issue – based on European Union indicators, pointing out some suggestions for improvement and theoretical aspects useful for designing national strategies or in practice.