National Targets for Romanian Education in the Context of Eu Strategy 2020


Since we find ourselves at the middle of the term set for fulfilling targets established for all Member States of the European Union (EU), in the context of the Europe 2020 Strategy, we intend to analyse the current degree of achievement of targets set by Romania in the field of education. We will analyse the actions in the strategic documents relevant for higher education, regarding the 26.7% growth in the share of 30 to 34 year old persons who have attained tertiary education. We shall consider the realism of this target, taking into account the methodology used for determining it and the importance of demographic factors that influence directly and indirectly its achievement. We will also analyse the connection to targets related to the objective of increasing the employment rate. The analysis carried out will substantiate the existence or non-existence of preconditions for reaching the targets assumed by Romania in the field of education, in the remaining interval until 2020.