Natural Social Training and Targeted Forms of Influence and their Impact on Development of Soft Competences among Team Leaders – A Comparative Analysis


The article is an attempt to present the role of natural social training and targeted forms of influence on the level of soft competences of lower rank managers. Considering the increasing interest in the issues of development of psychosocial competences among managers, the field of potential ways of shaping these competences has become a significant issue. In this context, on the one hand, emphasis is placed on the enormous role of the so-called natural social training; on the other hand, there is a visible increase in significance of methods employing targeted influence on the level of psychological and social competences. The research carried out was aimed at determining the strength of the correlation between intensity of natural and laboratory social training and the level of soft competences displayed by the managers examined. The summary of results obtained also indicates the important role of universities in shaping and developing of psychosocial competences.
