Non-Reimbursable Financing As A Determining Factor In The Development Of Social Entrepreneurship In Romania


 Diverse and numerous categories of entrepreneurs face problems due to the fact that they do not have access to financing for their entrepreneurial ideas with social impact that could create jobs for disadvantaged categories, opportunities for self-employment and finally sustainable local development. In Romania, as in other states, we are witnessing a process of hybridization, which consists in combining various institutional forms that give rise to new structures. Their appearance is due to the need to harmonize the economic objectives with the social ones in the context of permanent changes of the economic-social environment in which they carry out their activity. This article highlights the fact that non-reimbursable financing through operational programs dedicated to human resources or capital is the pre-selected target of entrepreneurs, motivated by the multitude of open financing lines and their considerable volume. The research aims at completing the existing studies on the identified factors with a prominent role in the development of social entrepreneurship and placing the “non-reimbursable financing” factor in the hierarchy of identified factors. Thought in an economic and social way, also correlated with an adequate management and investment policy, but also with a support from the authorities, social entrepreneurship can develop a lot, meeting a significant segment of the needs of the population, including regarding employment.