O4B: An OPEN Methodology For Trustworthy Software


There are number of traditional and modern software methodologies (a.k.a. processes or methods) that have been designed specifically to facilitate and manage the task of software engineering. While these methodologies offer advice on software engineering, they do not offer any guidance in terms of how the organization or the project team can assess and select the most appropriate method for the project at hand. Also, they offer very limited guidance and capabilities on how a development team can customize or tailor a methodology to suit different projects. In this paper,
we propose a solution through the adoption of a situational method engineering approach with the use of a well-established process framework in order to construct an organizational methodology that can be instantiated to suit and well-manage individual projects within the organization. This proposed solution has been carried out as a preliminary phase of our recent empirical study, using action research, of assisting an IT organization in Sydney to create their own organizational methodology that can be adapted to suit their various software development projects.