Occupational Health And Safety Management In Public Health Care Institutions Based On The Behavioral-Based Safety Concept


The purpose of the paper is to analyze and evaluate health and safety at Primary Health Care (POZ) facilities. In the paper,  the results of research conducted among medical and support staff have been presented. In the research, the behavioral safety improvement methods dedicated to the medical industry and a questionnaire, which is a tool assessing the effectiveness of the methods have been used. The obtained results confirmed the need to implement the behavioral-based safety concept (BBS) based on behavioral observation, thematic training and supporting materials in Primary Health Care facilities. It has been noticed, that knowledge about safe behavior and awareness of occupational hazards as well as their effects are not in the same level among all POZ employees. In practice, work safety is not treated by all employees as the supreme value. Therefore, there is a great need to shape safe and accident-free behavior of Primary Health Care facilities employees using selected methods of the BBS concept.