On Saas Use In ERP-Based Systems


Business competitive forces, requirement for business agility and efficiency practically dictate the enterprises to use computer based business information system (BIS), in order to cope with these (and other business) challenges. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is typically the core software component of these systems, providing integration of all enterprise data and processes into one integrated system. Cloud computing, which is a popular and still more adopted concept even in enterprise computing, brings by its SaaS service (Software as a Service) on public cloud a new possibilities of augmenting/expanding the functionality of on-premises ERP systems, resulting in the hybrid system. This business IT oriented paper presents the “real life” case study, of on–premises ERP system augmented by SaaS CRM (Customer Relationship Management). Complex case description, including the aspects of business, technology, organization, and economy, may be used as a guideline by enterprises interested in SaaS adoption.