On The Bank Financing Development Mechanisms For Processes Of Formation Of Sustainable Industrial Growth Economy In Russia


The purpose of this study is to analyze the reasons for the lack of interest of the banking sector in financing the Russian manufacturing industry, the development of which, in turn, can ensure transformation of the domestic economy to a sustainable growth model, as well as mechanisms to stimulate their credit activity. The authors have identified the following reasons for this: increased credit risks which remain actual for decades due to the lack of real improvements in the state of the Russian economy; low value of bank deposit and credit margin, taking into account inflation; availability of alternative investment tools.

Based on the analysis, the authors found that financing the economy based on cooperation between banks and the state can be considered as a promising alternative to purely bank lending. At the same time, the most important condition for the effective implementation of projects for financing manufacturing enterprises is to take into account the needs of all key stakeholders of these projects: a bank, the state, and an industrial company. The paper analyzes the interests of these stakeholders. In preparing the present study, the authors used the following methods: analysis, synthesis, induction.