One or Many – The Problems of the Official Languages of the European Union


The issue of the lack of a single official language of the European Union (EU) can be seen on two levels. Firstly, at the level of the European Union citizens who speak multiple languages. This linguistic diversity brings with it the problem of the single communication. Secondly, at the level of legal and institutional there is a lack of uniformity, the absence of one official language is the main cause of problems with the implementation of the EU law into the national law orders of the Member States. This means that any legal regulation should be translated into one of the many (24) official languages of the EU. Hence, the main aim of this article is to try to answer the question: Is the EU able to deal with the issue: one or many (- the problem of the?) official languages of the European Union? The main thesis of the paper is: equality 24 official languages of the institutional system poses-EU law before the difficult problems associated with the interpretation of EU law. Concretization of that of the general, as well as the main theses are detailed in the form of auxiliary hypotheses: equality makes the implementation of the official languages of the EU legal guidelines and equality official languages contributes to the inconsistencies and non-uniformity of the EU legal system. The institutions of the European Union work in 24 official languages in order to ensure that all citizens, regardless of whether they, understand one of the major the EU languages, or the lesser - known languages, equal access to policies and legislation. When a new state joins the EU, its national language usually is established as an official language of the EU. The decision in this regard is taken by the Council of Ministers. This allows citizens, when dealing with the EU and its institutions, to use the same language they use in dealing with national authorities.

Likewise, all of the new rules adopted by the EU are translated into all official languages so that every concerned citizen of the European Union can as soon as is possible, know what they contain and how it applies to them. All language versions of the EU law have the same legal force.