Open Educational Resources System Approach to identify OER Building Guide Considerations


This paper presents the System Approach Analysis of the Open Educational Resources. Derived of that, it shows some pedagogic, technical and legal elements that must be considered by any teacher in the Open Educational Resource building. The task could seem a challenge if teacher has been working only with traditional didactic materials. There are factors as: the fast incorporation of iterative possibilities, the increasing of electronic devices, different programming languages, costs and legal implications of the use of licenses and author property; that need to be easy understanding to start creating virtual materials.

Teachers have the expertise in its themes, its own curricula program, general and specific knowledge. Even more, they have the know-how about students learning problems to understand complex themes. In the other side, there are a lot of new possibilities to enhance and make easy the learning-teacher process, however confrontation to constant changes in information and communication technologies, and legal aspects represents a barrier.
