Optimization of Warehouse Inventory in Company in Maple – Corporate Sustainability Performance Support


Inventory management plays an important role from the point of view of corporate performance sustainability (i.e., the evaluation of the sustainable value of a company). The paper discusses chosen methods of operational analysis for supplies modelling in the company and the optimization of supplies. This process is based on the analysis of inventory related to the previous consumption and storage in the company. It focuses on supplies, their composition and quantity.  The model of supplies is created in the Maple system, which is being developed for more than thirty years already. This system includes a number of subsystems and built-in procedures (also from the operational research area) for practical task-solving. The current release Maple 2016 was launched in March 2016 and it is briefly introduced from the viewpoint of the current Optimization package. The paper has been written in cooperation of three co-authors and it is a continuation of the successfully defended bachelor thesis at the Faculty of Business and Management of the University of Technology (by one of the co-authors), where the problem was resolved by synthesizing the practical and the theoretical level.