Organization Consumer Acceptance of Malaysia Identity Card (MyKad) Fingerprint Recognition System


     This paper presents the preliminary descriptive findings of the acceptance of MyKad Fingerprint Recognition System (MFRS) by organizations. The Malaysian government has initially invested about US250 million for the protection of citizens from terrorist and for effective and efficient government and private sector applications. If MFRS is not used, the effort is wasted. Therefore, this research investigates the acceptance of MFRS by organizations such as banks, insurance companies, unit trust agencies and hotels. The theoretical framework is based on UTAUT model (Venkatesth, 2003) with six independent variables, i.e. performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, anxiety and perceived credibility and one dependent variable i.e. intention to use MFRS. The analysis was based on 50 valid responses. The findings show that organizations were uncommitted towards MFRS due to lack of understanding about its benefits (performance expectancy), ease of use, social support and facilitating conditions. The government has not succeeded in convincing organizations to adopt MFRS.