Organizational and Legal Counteraction to The Production and Entry into Circulation of Low-Quality, Including Counterfeit and Falsified Food Products: Analysis of The Practice of State Control and Supervision Bodies


The article examines the activities of the control and supervisory bodies of the Russian Federation to ensure the quality and safety of food products and to prevent the production and circulation of counterfeit and counterfeit products. Analyzing the available data, including those presented in the official reports of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing, the authors conclude that food safety monitoring carried out by this federal service underlies the optimization of the nutrition structure, which, according to According to Russian experts, it is necessary to increase the expected healthy life expectancy of the population and reduce its mortality. In general, it is noted that the control and supervisory activities of state bodies in the field of ensuring the quality and safety of food products are characterized by a noticeable increase in the number of laboratory and instrumental studies with the involvement of third-party experts and expert organizations. The article indicates the most falsified types of food products on the Russian consumer market, highlights the most relevant directions in the structure of laboratory tests of food products for their compliance with safety requirements carried out by state control and supervision authorities.
