Overview of Nudging in EU in the light of Croatian Entry to Eurozone


Many governments introduce ‘nudge’ as the tool for more efficient public policies based on behaviour habits of the citizens in the last decade. Nobel winner Thaler together with Kahneman and Twerski introduce behavioural economics as the useful theory based on psychology and human decision theory. They introduce the term nudge that become powerful tool of many governments and companies nowadays. Government of UK established Nudge Unit in 2010. Other countries followed them. Today, these incentive techniques are mostly used in the field of public health, pension system, education system and tax system. The aim of this paper is to research and analyse different behavioural economic models applied nowadays in EU especially in public policies. Authors also particularly research Croatian entry to Eurozone (hopefully from 2023) and analyse possible application of the ‘nudge’ technics especially in the light of Croatian entry to Eurozone.