This article serves as a theoretical overview of the predictors of unethical behavior. The most prominent studies were reviewed and their outcomes were reflected in this article. It is important to look at predictors especially in employee selection process, to be able to detect in advance people who could incline to unethical behavior and to prevent to hire them. If company focuses on identifying candidates with predisposition to unethical behavior, there is higher chance to avoid problems later. This article provides a theoretical overview of the respective predictors and points to their relative significance in prevention of unethical employee conduct. This analysis was based on a thorough literature review on the topics of unethical work behavior, with subsequent theoretical analysis of selected concepts of unethical work behavior, synthesis of current theoretical knowledge on the studied phenomena and consecutive delineation of individual and organizational categories of predictors serving as an useful framework for clarification of the plethora of notion that have evolved over time in the management literature.