20Nov/24 Exploring Climate Resilience in Luxury Real Estate Development with Integrating Sustainable Practices and Assessing Real-world Impact. A Qualitative Approach
20Nov/24 Modeling the Light Parameters of the Measurement Station for Testing Small-sized Objects by Luminance Method
20Nov/24 Alternative Spatial Delimitation Model for Polycentric Metropolitan Areas: A Case Study of Metropolis GZM
20Nov/24 Development of Socially Responsible Organizations and Social Entrepreneurship: Understanding the Framework of Operations in the European Union
20Nov/24 Exploring Marketing’s Dual Role in Shaping Consumer Desires and Constructing Modern Wants with Conditional Psychology in Marketing
20Nov/24 Job Satisfaction and Job Burnout Based on the Example of Nurses and the Economic Impact on Employers
20Nov/24 The Impact of Automation and Digitalization of Internal Transport Processes on Cost Optimization and Efficiency in the Era of Industry 4.0