20Nov/24 Pension Systems in the Face of Risks Arising from Digitalization, Robotization, and Artificial Intelligence
19Nov/24 Customer Trust versus Retailer Profit: How to Optimise Base Stock Level using Multi-agent-based Simulation?
19Nov/24 Consumer Animosity and Boycott Dynamics in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Egypt and Implications for Global Business Strategies
19Nov/24 A Tool Supporting Production Planning in the Supply Chain – A Case Study of a Bus Manufacturer
19Nov/24 Professionals’ Perceptions about the Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Accounting
19Nov/24 Does the Yield Curve Predict Industrial Developments? Bayesian Empirical Research on Romania
19Nov/24 Validation and Reliability Assessment of a Problem-Based Learning Module for Property Management Programs in Malaysian Universities
14Nov/24 Theoretical Background on Valuation Methods of Intangible Assets in Listed and Unlisted Companies