28Sep/17 The Contribution of Territorial Marketing to Reginal Developemnt: What Role of Tourism Secteur? The Case of Tangier Tetouan Region
28Sep/17 L’Optimisation Fiscale des Multinationales: Techniques et Impact sur la Vie d’une Entreprise
27Sep/17 The Impact of Applying Marketing Service Ethics on Client’s Behavior Applied Study on Jordanian Banks
27Sep/17 Financial Reporting Quality and Public Accountability in Regional Government: Analysis for the Impact of Competence, Internal Control and Information Technology; Indonesia Evidence
27Sep/17 The Influence of Business Strategy and Top Management Support on the Effective of Management Accounting Information System and its Impact on Corporate Performance: Evidence from Indonesia
27Sep/17 Linking Absorptive Capabilities and Competitive Advantage: Empirical Study of the Portuguese Textile SMES