12Sep/17 International Human Resource Management: Internal Environment in Austrian Subsidiaries operating in the Czech Republic (Results of Empirical Research)
12Sep/17 A Meta-Analysis of Current Research on the Role of Information and Communication Technologies in Strengthening Post-Conflict States
12Sep/17 Exploring the Effectiveness of Market-Based Instruments in Achieving Environmental Quality in Nigeria
12Sep/17 Export Promotion Enhances Firm’s Quality Reputation, Product and Service Quality Generating Sales and Profits: A Structural Equation Modelling Using AMOS
12Sep/17 The Acceptance of Mobile Learning Innovation and Initiative at Higher Education Institutions
12Sep/17 The Role of National Cultures in Shaping the Corporate Management Cultures: A Three Country Theoretical Analysis
12Sep/17 The Contribution of Corporate Identity to the Sustainability of Firms: Can Corporate Identity Contribute to Sustainability of Firms? A Tunisian Case Study