12Sep/17 L’Expérience de la Téléréalité Vécue par les Enfants : Les Motivations et les Freins à l’Egard de « La Star Academy »
12Sep/17 The Effects of Brand Experiences, Satisfaction and Trust on Building Brand Loyalty; An Empirical Research on Global Laptop Brands
12Sep/17 The Role of Accounting Information for a Sustainable Development within Farming Entities in Romania Case Study Banat Region
12Sep/17 An Empirical Analysis of Causal Relationship between Stock Prices and Real Sector of the Pakistani Economy
12Sep/17 Analysis of the Dynamics of Gross Domestic Product and of its Main Factors of Influence in Romania’s Agriculture
12Sep/17 The Information Technology Capabilities of Nations: A Research Agenda for Assessing the Global Diffusion of the Internet in the Ivory Coast
12Sep/17 La Relation entre la Divulgation Sociétale et la Gestion des Résultats Comptables: Cas des Entreprises Tunisiennes Cotées.