12Sep/17 What are the Individual Differences that Enhance Job Performance of B2B Salespeople? An Exploration of Individual Market Orientation and Learning Orientation
11Sep/17 Les Modèles de Circulation des Consommateurs dans les Grandes Surfaces et les Différences Individuelles
11Sep/17 Simulation Optimization – Testing Evolution Strategy and Simulated Annealing and Their Setting of the Parameters
11Sep/17 Factors Affecting Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Social Networking Websites in Egypt – An Application of the Technology Acceptance Model
11Sep/17 User-Defined Matrix Function as an Alternative Method Simulating the Activity of a Relational Database in the MS Excel Environment to Be Used in Companies
11Sep/17 Methodological Support for Indication of Risks and Their Causes of Life Cycle of Technical Product
11Sep/17 Emulating Business Intelligence Strategies Filtered with Big Data Analysis. The Private – Public Sector Transfer