20Jun/23 A Cluster Analysis of the Correlations between Customer Knowledge Management and the Open-Innovation Process
19Jun/23 The Role of Augmented Reality in the Online Shopping Experience: How Can Clothing Brands Use Mobile Augmented Reality Applications to Offer a More Immersive Shopping Experience to their Customers?
19Jun/23 La Distribución de Utilidades a los Trabajadores en Grupos Empresariales Peruanos: Una Revisión de su Cumplimiento Legal 1993 – 2022
19Jun/23 Does the Concept of Property Rights Hold Relevance for Human Resource Performance? An Applied Study of Privatized Companies in Tunisia
19Jun/23 El Sistema de Detracciones como Estrategia en el Cumplimiento de las Obligaciones Tributarias en una Empresa Sercisios
19Jun/23 Laboratory Studies of Infrared Radiation Transmission of Camouflage Net Materials Used on the Battlefield