19Jul/17 Sustainable Development Challenges in Transportation in European Countries during the Economic Crisis
19Jul/17 Determination of Adoption Success Factors for Cloud Systems in Innovative Supply Chain Firms in Qatar
18Jul/17 Entrepreneurial Ecosystem of Small Medium Industries (SMES): A Preliminary Study in Malaysia
18Jul/17 Les Barrières à l’Exportation Perçus par les Entrepreneurs d’un Pays en Transition : Le Cas des PME de la Tunisie
18Jul/17 The Strategic Collaboration between European Countries – Solution for Regional Development and Convergence
18Jul/17 Impact of Risk Management on the Profitability of Islamic Banking in the context of Pakistan
18Jul/17 The Dichotomy of Business and Society through the Lens of Strategic Philanthropy: Mapping the Influences of Socio-cultural Context
18Jul/17 State and Business Partnership as an Adaptation Instrument of Economy towards Global Climate Changes