09Jun/23 L’Influence de la Personnalité de la Marque sur l’Attitude d’Achat du Consommateur: Une Étude Modérée par une Caractéristique Individuelle Permanente – Le Concept de Soi. Revue de la Littérature
09Jun/23 The Influence of Communication Channels and Promotional Efforts on Consumer Adoption of Islamic Banking Services in Malaysia: An Empirical Analysis
08Jun/23 Dilemma of Working Women and the Global Economy: Perspective on the towards Internal Knowledge Management
08Jun/23 It/Is Outsourcing Relationship Factors in Malaysia Higher Education Institution: Behavioural Dimensions from Client Perspectives
08Jun/23 Theoretic Model Regarding the Determination of the Fiscal Profit and the Calculation of the Profit Tax of the Trading Companies