15Oct/24 Human Resource (HR) Management New Dynamics in Hiring, Technology Adoption, Work Environment Diversity: HR Managers’ Interviews
14Oct/24 Initiating a Crisis Situation on Demand – Investing in the Technical and Protective Zone of the Southern Baltic Coast
14Oct/24 Overcoming Challenges in Project-Based Learning: Educator Reflections on Interdisciplinary Coordination and Pedagogical Shifts in Entrepreneurship Education
14Oct/24 Disruptive Technology and Financial Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Lagos, Nigeria
14Oct/24 Disruptions in the Modern Economy and their Consequences on the Functioning of Supply Chains
11Oct/24 Gamification as a Tool Related to Students’ Motivation and Independence in Academic Education
11Oct/24 Influencia de la Lealtad, Imagen y Valor de Marca en la Intención de Compra en Universidades Privadas en Perú
11Oct/24 Renforcer la robustesse des résultats de l’analyse qualitative par un test du Khi-deux : une proposition de systématisation
10Oct/24 AI Fairness for People with Disabilities: Investigating Facial Recognition System Performance