08Oct/24 Romania’s Green Transition under the European Green Deal: A Comparative Analysis with CEE Countries
08Oct/24 Collaborative Business Intelligence – Participatory Analytics for Data Sharing and Cooperation
08Oct/24 Analysis of the Specific Fiscal Regime Applied by the Oil and Natural Gas Sector from Romania
08Oct/24 Impacto de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en el Valor de Marca: El Papel Mediador de la Reputación, Imagen y Lealtad de Marca en Instituciones Privadas de Educación Superior en Perú
08Oct/24 Factors Preventing the Usage of Modern Cost Accounting Methods in Selected Medium-Sized Manufacturing Enterprises in Poland – Case Study
08Oct/24 Impact and Efficiency of Knowledge Management and Enterprise Social Networking Systems: A Data-Driven Analysis
08Oct/24 Contemporary Armed Conflicts and the Price of Gold: How Geopolitical Risk Affects the Value of Gold?