Participation as an Element of Effective Safety and Security Promotion at Polish School. Implementation of the Selected Participatory Management Assumptions


An effective safety and security promotion requires making teachers and students involved in establishing common priorities as far as responding to challenges and threats of the modern world is concerned. What is needed is the understanding of the assumptions of social participation and familiarity with concepts and methods that can motivate the team to operate effectively. The strategy of authoritarian leadership, based on setting rules and monitoring the scope of their compliance by teachers, is not an effective approach in managing the subjective feeling of safety and security. Participatory management is the only alternative for shaping the competencies that are crucial for eliminating threats and supporting human development. Thanks to this strategy, every person can be heard on matters interesting for them, social awareness in the area of education and safety and security promotion increases and as a consequence, less risk is taken.

The aim of the research was to diagnose the effectiveness of safety and security prevention at school, taking account of selected assumptions of participatory management. In order to do so, the literature and school documents were analyzed and a diagnostic survey was conducted in the group of teachers and school graduates. On the basis of the data obtained in that manner, modification areas were suggested that could increase the effectiveness of preventive activities conducted by the school, taking the assumptions of social participation into consideration.