Perceived Quality of Work Life and Employee Fulfillment in a Competitive Work Environment


Life is a set of pursuits. No one can achieve a fulfilling and promising life without family, health, wealth, career, social obligations, intellectual satisfaction and spiritual enlightenment. To maintain the wheel of life moving, striking the balance is imperative especially in the current business environment that is characterized with continuous rapid changes in information technology, globalization, decreasing natural resources and high competitiveness amongst others. However, this study examined the scope, causes, consequences and perception of quality of work life and how it affects employee fulfilment in a competitive work environment. The study extensively reviewed current literature on existing constructs and the various dimensions of quality of work life from different perspectives in relations to employee fulfillment. Thus, the paper recommended that one of the best ways an organization can ensure balance between work and personal life of employees is by developing policies and practices such as provisions for harmonious workplace between an employer and its employees, granting access to annual leave in single or part-day periods, job sharing, telecommuting, taking time off in lieu of overtime payments, making provision for working additional hours to make up for time taken off, making work arrangements flexible that accommodate both the employees and organization’s needs. Therefore, it is concluded that employees that perceive quality in their work life will experience positive feelings about their work lives and feel bonded to their organization.