Personal Information Culture: Security and Development


We consider the change in the modern world, in which information culture becomes the most important factor in the formation of a personality. As a priority, the problem of a person security in the information space and the related issues of the prospects for its further development are indicated. The authors point to the fundamental ambivalence of information and communication interaction and its results. It is argued that the transformation of the modern world leads to a change in the basic meaningful worldview elements, what can lead to a change in the most important social practices. It is emphasized that the personal information security concept has a wider meaning in modern times, because it includes the problem of identity, the formation of new needs, the suppression of traditional values and the search for new patterns of behavior. The paper notes that the dynamic of interaction between worldview paradigms and communication processes in the Internet space leads to the creation of a new network culture, but at the same time, adaptive capabilities of a person still remain at a low level.
