Perspectives of Cloud Computing: An Overview


Cloud computing has sparked a huge amount of interest in the computer industry. According to the market research and analysis firm “International Data Corporation” (IDC –, the market for cloud computing services was $16bn in 2008 and will rise to $42bn per year by 2012 as mentioned by Khajeh-Hosseini et at (2010). In Simple words, cloud computing means remote computing. According to Mowbray M. (2009) cloud computing is part of general architecture trend in the computer industry, moving from users doing computing on their own hardware using copies of software that they own, to users doing computing on provider’s machines (virtual machines) somewhere in the cloud, using software that they subscribe. More use of cloud computing raising the security issues also. This paper will first introduce the cloud computing followed by types and categories of cloud computing and security perspective of cloud computing and final section summarize and conclude with future promises of cloud computing trends.