Perspectives of Mayors Direct Elections in European Union States – Comparison of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Germany


The direct election of mayors is cited by academics as one of the ways to increase civic engagement. In post-communist countries of Eastern and Central Europe, this direct election is common. Its introduction is being discussed in the Czech Republic. However, it is associated with a number of negatives. The aim of this article is to assess the appropriateness of introducing direct election of mayors in the Czech environment on the basis of a literature review and analysis of empric data. Through method of comparison of the legal regulation of the position of mayors in the Czech Republic, with countries where mayors are elected directly - the Slovak Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany - authors have identified substantial differences that would have to be reflected de lege ferenda. At the same time, interviews were conducted with representatives of public administration in these countries. The interviews were critically analyzed, their results summarized and commented. Potential impacts of introducing direct election of mayors in the Czech Republic were specified. The authors conclude that the direct election of mayors without a change of the Constitution and a fundamental change of the mayor's powers and his relationship with municipal council and elected assembly representatives cannot be introduced. In conclusion authors claim that the indirect election of mayors should not be changed and they give their reasons.
