Perturbation Innovatrice et Dynamique de la Concurrence: Cas des Entreprises Algeriennes


The competitive rivalry directs companies to follow an innovative disruptive approach, source of a competitive advantage. This research was carried out through an exploratory qualitative study from 42 interviews conducted at the level of a series of business cases. For this, we have resolutely opted for two types of actors: new entrants and the existing firms which allowed us to have a detailed analysis of the competitive dynamics prevailing in this sector, and therefore, the innovative manoeuvres adopted by firms, which constitutes the originality of our empirical study. Our results show that companies having chosen to follow the innovative disruption have all enjoyed a performance in terms of growth, profits and turnover and have become leaders in the segment where the disturbance occurred. However, inertia has led other companies to absorption by competition and ultimately resulting in the disappearance of these companies in the sector, in spite of their status of leaders.