Placing Informed Bets on New SFA: A Value-Based Method


Performance gains from Sales Force Automation (SFA) investments have often been obstructed by the sales force’s unwillingness to accept and use available systems. Studies show that a strong reason for resistance by the sales force to the technology is the failure to convince salespeople of the advantages and benefits of the new technology. Consequently firms face the challenge of selecting SFA technologies that their sales force will perceive as valuable and accept to use to enhance its performance. The present study proposes a value-based approach for planning the introduction of SFA to support the sales force. The approach suggested provides guidelines on how to determine whether or not a new SFA would add value to the sales force before those technologies actually get selected and implemented. Good planning of SFA investment would help firms avoid resistance of the sales force towards the implemented systems, rather than having to treat it at the post-implementation stage.