Polish Chambers of Commerce towards Problems of Sustainable Development


Climate change is undoubtedly one of the most serious challenges facing humanity today[1]. Due to the alarming forecasts regarding the climate, as well as its influence on social and economic aspects, it is necessary to take decisive actions, not only on a global and international level, but also through local actions or grassroots initiatives.  On one hand, many countries still base their development strategy on the use of fossil fuels; and the level of consumption and GDP growth[2] is taken as the measure of economic development, but on the other hand, the growing importance of environmental issues and sustainable development contributes to shaping new trends at the level of national economies and individual companies[3]. Changing attitudes and opinions of citizens, including entrepreneurs, will be crucial for changing economic policies and trends in the coming years. A role in shaping pro-ecological attitudes among companies could be played by business environment institutions, including in particular chambers of commerce, which should "contribute to creating conditions for development of economic life”[4]. The aim of this article is to answer the question if and how chambers of commerce in Poland promote and popularize running green business.  There will be a review of actions taken by the Polish chambers of commerce in the field of sustainable development and green entrepreneurship.

[1] IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C, IPCC 2018, available at: https://www.ipcc.ch/sr15/download/, accessed 26.01.2021.

[2] Jackson, T. (2009) Prosperity Without Growth? London: Sustainable Development Commission, w: D. Gibbs, K. J. O'Neill, Green Entrepreneurship: Building a Green Economy? Evidence from the UK, www.researchgate.net

[3] Hall, J., Daneke, G., Lenox, M. (2010). Sustainable development and entrepreneurship: Past contributions and future directions. Journal of Business Venturing, 25(5), 439-448 in: M. Urbaniec, Rola przedsiębiorczości w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju, Rola przedsiębiorczości w rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczym, Przedsiębiorczość - Edukacja, 14, Warsaw - Kraków 2018, p. 27.

[4] Act of 30 May 1989 on Chambers of Commerce, Dz. U. 2019 poz. 579