Polish-Czech Micro-Projects as a Tool for Shaping Consumer Behaviour on the Cross-Border Market for Cultural Services


The paper is of research nature. In the first part, attention was paid to external sources of financing cross-border projects in the field of culture on the Polish-Czech border, in particular the Microproject Fund for the Interreg V-A Program Czech Republic-Poland. Next, the level of knowledge of the cultural offer was assessed, as well as the frequency of participation of the residents of the Polish-Czech cross-border city of Cieszyn-Czech Cieszyn in the most important cultural events financed from the Micro-project Fund. The research shows that the inhabitants of Cieszyn and Czech Cieszyn are definitely better informed about cultural events that are implemented as part of Polish-Czech projects financed from the Micro-project Fund (compared with other cultural events that do not have such funding). As a result, this is reflected in a higher degree of participation of the inhabitants of both cities in cultural events implemented as part of these projects. Surveys for the purposes of this paper were conducted from October 2017 to January 2018 on a group of 799 recipients of the cultural offer, residents of Cieszyn and Czech Cieszyn.