Polish Transport Companies in View of The Principle of Posting Workers in Road Transport in The European Union


The free movement of goods, persons, services and capital was one of the fundamental objectives of the creation of the European Union's internal market, which was legally anchored in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). It states that the freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services is a guarantee for the mobility of EU businesses and workers. In recent years, there have been attempts to interfere with national transport markets in EU countries in order to protect them from transport operators on their territory. Since 2017, the European Parliament has been working on the regulation of international road transport rules in the European Union, known as the ‘Mobility Package’. With the same article adopted, the research objective is to identify the probable effects of the implementation of the minimum wage in the EU on the functioning of Polish transport companies. The pragmatic dimension of the research was based primarily on two main research trends, i.e. showing the importance of Polish carriers in the provision of transport services within the Community and the possible consequences of reducing the supply of these services in the EU in the light of the entry into force of minimum wage regulations.