Popularization of the All-Russia Physical Culture and Sports Complex «Ready for Work and Defense» through the Student Sports Club of the University


The Student Sports Club of the Mari State University began its work in 2015. The assets of the student sports club joined the teachers of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism to work on the intensive introduction and popularization of the All-Russia Physical Culture and Sports Complex «Ready for Work and Defense» (RWD) in the university's student environment, using the media and personal achievements in the implementation specifications. For modern youth, the successful implementation of standards is an indicator of prestige and increases their authority in the eyes of peers. The active participation of the representatives of the student sports club in the sports events of the all-Russian, republican and city levels in 2015-2018 contributed to the increase of interest, the involvement of the student youth of our university in various sports sections. By their personal examples, the guys from the club's asset motivate other students to pass the standards of the RWD complex, conduct seminars at their faculties / institutions for self-training of youth with recommendations for effective exercise packages for the successful delivery of standards.